Shipping & Delivery

Shipment or Delivery charges being calculated based on the additive weight of the whole order and are different for domestic and international delivery. Delivery charges may be nil for certain products or some nominal charges are levied.

Due to any miscommunication or event that a non-delivery occurs on account of a mistake by you (i.e. wrong name, address, or contact number ), any extra cost towards re-delivery shall be claimed by the user placing the order.

Shipment/delivery time, of the order processing, starts from the day of receipt of the payment confirmed against the order placed with Jhanji Exports. 

Shipment/delivery time for a product depends on the time taken to procure the item, time taken to ship the item by courier service, location of the product, and location of the customer. Depending on all this an estimated delivery time frame will be given to the customer. Jhanji Exports shall not be liable for any delay / non-delivery of purchased goods by flood, fire, wars, acts of God or any cause that is beyond the control of Jhanji Exports.

The client should consent to give valid and genuine data, to stay away from any sort of postponement or loss of merchandise. Jhanji Exports reserves the right to confirm and validate the information and other details provided by the user at any point of time. If upon confirmation, such user details are found not true (wholly or partly), Jhanji Exports has the right in its sole discretion to reject the registration and debar the user from using the services available at this website, and/or other affiliated websites without prior intimation whatsoever.

All Duties and taxes for international shipping shall be ensured by the customer. Jhanji Exports Pvt Ltd. is not liable to pay any Duties or Taxes for International Shipping.

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Welcome to Jhanji Exports Pvt Ltd. I'm Ravish Jhanji ( CEO ). Please connect with me over the WhatsApp for quick response !! ( +91 ) - 9811060887